Sponsorship opportunities

Why exhibit at ESB 2025 in Zürich?

  • Promote your company image & build your brand
  • Number of expected delegates: 1000
  • Ample networking opportunities with direct access to key leaders
  • Establish strategic partnerships and collaborations
  • Demonstrate innovative products
  • Build opportunities with existing clients
  • Support ongoing education and research in the field
  • Promote your company as a leading organization in the field of biomechanics


Book your package by contacting us at info@esbiomech2025.org


  • 6 sqm exhibition space
  • Exhibition Zone A
  • 10% discount on branding
  • 4 participant registrations
  • 10-minute session presentation*
  • Brand visibility on website and programme
  • Full-page advert inprogramme
  • Mail blast to all attendees
Best value


  • 4 sqm exhibition space
  • Exhibition Zone B
  • Branding discount not included
  • 2 participant registrations
  • 5-minute session presentation*
  • Brand visibility on website and programme
  • Half-page advert in programme
  • €750 for mail blast


  • 4 sqm exhibition space
  • Exhibition Zone B
  • No discount on branding
  • 1 participant registration
  • No session presentation
  • Brand visibility on website and programme
  • No advert included
  • No mail blast included

Project corner

  • 4 sqm exhibition space
  • Exhibition Zone B
  • No discount on branding
  • 1 participant registration
  • No session presentation
  • Brand visibility on website and programme
  • No advert included
  • No mail blast included

Sponsorship & exhibition packages

  • Sponsor
  • Exhibitor
  • Start-up
  • Project corner
SponsorExhibitorStart-upProject corner
Exhibition space6 sq.m.4 sq.m4 sq.m.4 sq.m
Exhibition zoneZone AZone BZone BZone B
Discount on branding options10%
Free participant registrations4211
Advancements in Biomechanics Session10 min5 min
Brand visibilityCompany logo, description & link on the website; Company logo on printed programmeCompany logo, description & link on the website; Company logo on printed programmeCompany logo, description & link on the website; Company logo on printed programmeInstitute logo, description & link on website; Institute logo on printed programme
Advert on inner full page
Advert on inner half page
Mail blast to all attendees€ 750

Branding opportunities

Advert in final programme

Advertisement on half page 500 EUR / Advertisement on full page 1000 EUR

Social event sponsorship

Welcome reception sponsorship 2000 EUR / Conference dinner sponsorship 3000 EUR / Student evening sponsorship 2000 EUR

IT/Technical services

Main sponsor conference app 2000 EUR / AV Sponsorship 1000 EUR / Email blast 1000 EUR / Social media promotion 1500 EUR

Other branding opportunities

Lunch time sponsor (per day) 2000 EUR / Start-up competition sponsorship 3000 EUR / Registration area branding 2000 EUR

Book a meeting

Would you like to discuss your possibilities with the EPUAP Business Office? Connect with one of us through a virtual meeting. We look forward to talking with you!